Sunday, January 26, 2014

And so the journey begins...

Several people have told me I need to start a blog, to share our life as we take this CRAZY journey to Mexico City. I don't know that I will keep up on this thing, but we will give it a try. BTW, thanks to a one-of-a-kind amazing friend for the AWESOME blog name idea.

First of all, let's just say that blogging is SOOOO not my thing anymore. I was totally into it a good 8 years ago. I was really hoping for a sombrero and maracas as my background, but needless to say that is not a common blogger template. Well, it should be. All I can say is that blogger is just as not-user-friendly as it was 8 years ago. Congrats Google, you have made NO improvements on this one.

Stupid no maracas and sombrero background. How awesome would that have been??


This whole "adventure" as everyone seems to call it started about 6 months ago. Ryan has brought up the "if Jacobsen asked us to move to <insert random US city here>, how would you feel about going" conversation probably a dozen times in the 6 years he has worked there. So, this was no out-of-the-ordinary conversation back in July/August of last year. He came home from work and said, "So, where is the furthest place you would be willing to move if my company wanted us to go somewhere?" To which I waited, thought, acted like I really had really put some deep thought into his question and replied with, "Riverton." Now, for those of you who don't know the Utah area well, Riverton is in-between 4-6 minutes away depending if you get stuck at a couple red lights. Ryan laughed and said, "Good to know", and nothing else was said. I was serious. Actually, no I wasn't. I wouldn't even move to Riverton, I am happy staying right where I am. This was also around the time that I had mentioned to Ryan that I have the PERFECT life right now. I have an incredible husband who I adore and love so much. I am a mommy to 4 beautiful, spunky girls that just complete me. I have the rambler house in a cul-de-sac in a beautiful city that I have always wanted. I love my ward. I have the most amazing friends, that I just couldn't live without. I love the school my kids go to. I love their teachers. My kids have great friends. I love my calling. I have the perfect life. Unfortunately I spoke this OUT LOUD! I will NEVER do that again. SHEESH!!!

September rolls around and Ryan comes home from work and says, "So, I had a nice conversation with my executive today and he asked me if we would be willing to move to Mexico to work on the re-construction of the Mexico City temple. He said he specifically thought of me and wants me on that job. I told him that my family isn't really willing to move but that I would mention it to my wife. I told him I can guarantee that tomorrow I will be walking into his office with a big fat NO! on that one." I promptly said, "Well that's good that you let him know that we WILL NOT even THINK about going down there!!!" And, we went on about our night giving this whole "Mexico" thing not one moments thought. Seriously, didn't even think about it or talk about it. That conversation was over when the word "MEXICO" came out of his mouth.

UNTIL.... the ol' wifey-poo woke up in the middle of the night thinking about Mexico and what kind of casa I would want to live in. WHAT THE HECK!?!?! Where did that come from. So, I spent several hours in the night and early (and I mean early) morning, learning all about Mexico. Crime, kidnappings, murder, travel, areas to live in, museums, driving, drugs. Yes folks... I know Mexico is dangerous, I also know that there is a whole lot worse in a lot of places here in the good U.S of A! Google it.

Ryan woke up and I said, "Ok, let's talk Mexico." After he picked his jaw up off the ground we had a little chat about what this whole thing entailed. It took a lot... excuse me... AAAAA LLLLLLOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of convincing and prayer and fasting and sleepless nights to get me to feel comfortable with even the idea of going to Mexico. It wasn't until we were there, sitting in the small chapel in the English ward singing the 2nd & 4th verse of "Count Your Blessings" --

2. Are you ever burdened with a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear?
Count your many blessings; ev'ry doubt will fly,
And you will be singing as the days go by.

4. So amid the conflict, whether great or small,
Do not be discouraged, God is over all.
Count your many blessings; angels will attend.
Help and comfort give you to your journey's end.

After singing that, I kind of had to say yes and jump right in. Is this a heavy burden... for me... yes. Will I be singing as the days go by... right now it feels more like screaming as the days go by, but hopefully that will change to singing soon. Do not be discouraged... I will try not to. Angels will attend, I know of two angels specifically who will be right there with me. My daughter and my Grandma who served a mission in Mexico City. Those two along with my Savior will help and comfort me. They already have.

I know we will be safe. I know we will be protected. I know we will have fun and look back at this time in our lives and say, "THAT WAS AWESOME!" I know all of this because I know that my Savior loves me and only wants to see me and my family grow.

So, yes.... we are moving to Mexico. Yes, I am terrified, I am SO broken-hearted about leaving my friends and my ward, and my kids leaving their friends and their school. But I am also excited. I am excited for the Lord to bless our family even more than he already has.

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