Friday, June 20, 2014

Driving in Mexico

A friend of mine here arrived the day after me, also coming from Utah. We get each other and can vent and chat about the lives, hates, likes, things we miss. It's a lot of fun. She stated perfectly exactly how driving is in Mexico.

"Let's talk about driving here in Mexico. First off, to get a license here all you need is some cash and a heartbeat. No test or driving school required. That should tell you a lot. When there are supposed to be 3 lanes, people will make them into 5. If you aren't 2 inches from the car next to you and the car in front of you another car will try to squeeze in. Forget using your blinker, that's only to make foreigners stand out. Stop signs are optional, as are some but not all stop lights (good luck trying to figure out which ones). If you aren't aggressive you will never get anywhere...literally there are too many cars here to wait your turn. Cops will ignore all traffic violations unless your license plates happen to say USA.  And if you put your hazards on, anything goes. #livinginmexico #ididnotexaggerate"

Thanks Cassi, you nailed it!

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